Do you know your child is watching everything you do and say – they’re learning all the time. Simple everyday conversation about what you can see around you, helping put the shopping into a basket or hanging the washing out can all be learning opportunities if you make tasks feel fun and involve your child.
The early years in a child’s life is such an exciting time – between birth and 5 your child will learn to talk and listen, use their body, develop emotions, express themselves, have some understanding of the world around them and even learn some maths! You can support your child in developing all these skills by playing, chatting and caring.
There are many national webpages dedicated to helping you help your child learn or providing you with activity suggestions:
Tameside’s ‘My Book Of Big Learning’
Activity ideas for 1 – 2 year olds – National Literacy Trust
Tiny happy people – BBC
Look, Say, Sing Play – NSPCC
Simple activities for children – new born to five – Hungry Little Minds
Learning to talk – NHS
Grow Facebook
What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage – A guide for parents
Home Learning in Tameside – TMBC
Greater Manchester 10 Top Tips for Talking
Healthy Movers Activity Cards